.NET Code Generator

$ 189.95

The Code Generator you will love to use every day!

The .NET Code Generator is one of the most useful tools in your toolbelt. All other commercial code generators are mainly based on generating code from database schemas. The .NET Code Generator can not only generate from database schemas but also generate based on other source code classes, JSON, or CSV Files.

Business Benefits

Benefit Description
Save time and money. Generated code is code you don't have to write.
Reduce defects. Generated code will include all fields or properties.
Increased ROI It allows your development team to focus on more complex business problems.


Generation Process

How To Generate Code


Screen Shot

Code Generator Main Form


Feature Description
Easy to use. Import your database schema or code, pick an existing template and click generate.
Generate any type of code Your imagination is the limit. Generate any type of code from SQL, C#, Java, TypeScript, Ruby, Rust, literally anything your heart desires.
Import database schemas Generate code based on the database schema of Firebird, MS Access, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SqLite, SQL Server, and VistaDB databases.
Import existing code Generate code based on source code classes of C#, VB.NET, TypeScript, CSV, JSON and simple text lists.
Use T4 Templates The templates are based on the trusted T4 templating language from Microsoft.
Share Your Templates Share your Code Generator Templates on GitHub.
Multi-threaded generation All available processors are used to generate code.
1 Year Free Upgrades Purchase today and all upgrades are free for the next year.
60 Day Money Back Guarantee At Kellerman Software, we want you to be totally satisfied with your purchase. Receive a refund within 60 days when ordering from KellermanSoftware.com. Source code versions are non-refundable due to their nature.
Lifetime Support Lifetime E-mail technical support is included.


Included Templates

(You can create your own too!)

  • C#
    • C# Class No Regions
    • C# Class With Regions
    • Entity Framework Class
    • WebForm Simple Fields
    • WinForm Simple Fields
  • HTML
    • HTML Bootstrap Form
    • HTML Form
  • JavaScript
    • React Form
    • VueJS Form
  • TypeScript
    • NestJS Swagger
    • TypeScript Class With Fields
    • TypeScript Interface
  • VB.NET
    • VB.NET Class No Regions
    • VB.NET Class With Regions
  • XAML
    • WPF Form

Compare to other Code Generators>

Download a free 30 day trial today.

  • Full working version
  • Includes technical support

Download Options



Code Searcher requires the following system configuration.

  • Works with any version of Windows with a minimum of Windows 7 SP1.
  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
  • Visual Studio 2017 (Community, Pro, or Enterprise), Visual Studio 2019 (Community, Pro, or Enterprise), Visual Studio 2022 (Community, Pro, or Enterprise)

To generate code from an existing template, perform these steps.

  1. Click the Project Information button and fill in the project information.
  2. Click either the Add from Code or Add from Database button and add entities or properties. You may also manually add classes/entities and add properties in the Elements Grid.
  3. Choose the template to Generate by clicking the Template Tree button.
  4. Choose the output directory by clicking the folder button.
  5. Click Generate

The generated code will be in the chosen output directory.

Q: How do I use my license key?
A: Click "Enter Registration" in the help menu then restart the application.

Q: How does the licensing work?
A: Each user that uses .NET Code Generator must have a license. A site license is for all the developers in a single building.

Q: I lost my license key how do I retrieve it?
A: Go to your account

Q: I lost my software how do I retrieve it?
A: Go to downloads

Q: Where can I download the latest version of my software?
A: Click the download tab.

Date Version Description
9/12/2020 1.0 Initial Release.
12/10/2020 1.11 The PostgreSQL provider now supports bpchar.
2/23/2021 1.15 Improve performance for initial load of schema. Schema Caching. Ability to delete properties. Fix for OracleManagedDataAccess. Fix for unselecting database columns.
8/2/2021 1.16 Fix for Object reference not set to an instance of an object in FilterFileName and also SchemaCacheLogic. Display error message when can't connect
8/3/2021 1.17 Map length and AllowDBNull when adding fields from database
12/6/2021 1.18 Now compatible with .NET Data Access Layer Version 5.00
12/14/2021 1.20 Now compatible with .NET Data Access Layer Version 5.00
8/23/2023 1.24 Update Firebird Driver, MySQL Driver, PostgreSQL Driver, SQLite Driver, Oracle Driver.


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