Kellerman Software announces a minor update to Easy Database Creator. Ability to Generate Entity Framework Classes. Update Firebird Driver, MySQL Driver, PostgreSQL Driver, SQLite Driver, Oracle Driver
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Easy Database Creator is now compatible with .NET Data Access Layer Version 5.00
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Kellerman Software announces a minor release to fix a Gold Suite licensing issue, a cosmetic issue on the Code Menu, and a license registration issue.
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Kellerman Software is proud to announce the availability of Easy Database Creator. Easy Database Creator is the fastest way to create schemas for your SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSql, MySQL, Firebird, SQLite, MS Access, and VistaDB database without needing to connect to a database.
Easy Database Creator automatically adds all primary and foreign keys. It also has intellisense for column names, database types, and lengths. Also reverse engineer the schema from one database type and create another one. Generates C# or VB.NET Classes from database tables.
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